Friday, February 27, 2009

Photo Shoot.

We spent Saturday down in beautiful Byron taking some snaps of our stunning friend Emi.
Good times. Sunny Days.
& she's gorgeous.

Russh; January 09

Beautiful shoot in January issue.
Stunning clothes.
& this chick has the most amazing mouth!

Friday Night.

My Best Friend.

Lets play dress ups.
Just by the Valley is an awesome restaurant called Garuva.

A waiter will introduce you to:
Black walls.
Green trees.
Sitting on cushions.
Spicy cocktails.
Live music.

& then he will lead you through:
White curtains.
Private seating.
Delicious food.
Amazing sweets.

...A perfect night.
Followed by Ric's bar.


You Left Me.

'You left me and slept with her. A small betrayal with a large scar.

I showed you my bare soul, my skin, my heart. I introduced you to my friends. My parents.
I listened to you as you learned your lines. I listened to your singing, to your hopes. Your desires. I listened to your music. And you listened to mine. You listened to my Essays, my Dreams, my Plans. I gave you a tattoo and you gave me a scar.

And then one day, you left me and slept with her.

Time passed. Time raced.

And everything seemed so easy, so simple. So Free. So new and unique. We went to the movies. We went dancing. Shopping. We laughed. You cried. We swam, we smoked. We shaved. From time to time you screamed. Without reason. Sometimes with reason. Yes, sometimes with reason.

I drove you to work. I studied for my exams. I listened to your singing, to your hopes. Your desires. I listened to your music. And you listened to mine.
We were close. So close. Ever closer. We went to the movies. We went swimming. We laughed together. You screamed. Sometimes with reason. And sometimes without.

Time passed. Time raced.

I walked you to the water. You cooked me dinner. I brought you lunch. You listened as I spoke of travels, my hurt, my hopes. I watched you paint. I helped you paint. You screamed. Sometimes with reason.

Time passed, without reason. You screamed. Without reason.

I lost myself. And so did you... Time passed. you screamed, you screamed... I read my book and had a bath. "Forgive me Tessi. Yes?"

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I saw MILK last night.
I fell in love last night.

James Franco is very dreamy, especially as a gay.