Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Cant wait to introduce to my granny.

Cold War Kids.

Every Morning.

Black & no sugar,

Say Cheese.

I want my camera off layby already.
($850 to go...)


Tailored Shoulders.

Lou Doillon.

What's the best advice you've ever received?
No one gave me any advice because i'm a very stubborn person!
But, by letting me be what i wanted to be, 
and leaving me pave my own way, 
they gave me the confidence and that was the best silent advice ever.

Where will Lou Doillon be in 2011?
I have no idea, and actually i don't want to know. 
Life is full of mysteries and I love to adapt.
So, as my grandfather would say, 
'I'll cross that bridge when i get there'.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Ohhh Boy,

Where have all the cute boys gone.


I want to be in mexico,
drinking coronas under the western sun with macho moustache men.

My closest amigos,
Fly away
Come with me.

Brett Whiteley.

His artworks are awesome.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I spend half my life listening to her dreams,

I’ve told her, no one cares about other people’s dreams…

It’s a fact of life.

She says, “No but this one was really weird”…

I say, I know.


I spend the other half of my life listening to her desires.

She wants to be free,

Free of males & free of commitment.

She says, “I like my life just the way it is.”

I say, I know.


She tells me that she isn’t interested in him, or any other of his kind.

I say, I know.


But I hear her.

I hear her thumbs pushing each letter.

I hear her squeals & her excitement.


She says, “Its nothing”

I say, I know.


Its not until later,

Once he has fallen for her that I begin to hear everything else.


She ends up in a web again.

She has lured him in & tangled him in her web.

But now, she (herself) is caught in it all.

All eight legs, wrapped up in the stickyness she (herself) has spun.


So here’s my how-to for her.

  1. Take your foot off the accelerater.
  2. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
  3. Be cool as a cucumber
  4. Remember every stick has two ends.
  5. Don’t let it Grow like a weed.
  6. The grass is never greener on the otherside.
  7. Keep your head above water.
  8. Let sleeping dogs lie.
  9. Measure twice, cut once.
  10. Shake like a leaf.
  11. & my own, ‘don’t break hearts’.





where are you?!
i've looked everyhere... under my covers... in my shower... behind my door..
but i cant find you?!

where ohh where is byron....?

A little birdie sat on my shoulder & told me a secret.
he couldn't tell me where you were though.

...he told me that you were coming home this week & then bailing to Maria.

& then that birdie flew away.
& i was left looking into the big blue sky wondering...

wondering why this birdie knew all this & i didnt.

I wondered if you'd call me, when you got the chance that is.
I wondered if you were angry, since i last spoke to you that is.
I wondered if you would come see, like you said before, that is.

i wish the birdie would come back & fill me in.
Or even better,
i wish i could find my byrooney again.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


need to do my assessments rather than my blog.
need to clean my car.
need to go busking.
want more fabulous clothes.
need to finish my paintings.
want new posters.
want an internship.
need sleep.

Line ME up.


John Lennon & Yoko Ono.

Apparently 5 hours before he was shot.
music. world. devastation.
& just for fun...

I love this couple.

DIY Legs.

love these legs...

I've finally made my shredded stockings.
Rockin legs girrrrl.


I may have got fired.
I may have zero dollars to my name.
I may miss home.
I may have unfinished artworks to complete.
I may have screwed things up.
I may have a to-do list thats longer than my life span.

but life is still amazing.
& i'm still flying as high as that bird i dream to be.

So i'm gunna raise my glass to the ceiling,
I'm gunna celebrate the irony that everything is going wrong but i'm so happy.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

For Laila.

      When there is Weeks like this
Nights like this
Smiles like this
Eyes like this

Why not

When there is

Songs like this
Thoughts like this
Moves like this
Words like this

Why not

When there is a feeling

A touch

A truth

Even in the unspoken,

Why not optimism?  

Art Express 09

Lucky enough to see the 2009 Art Express exhibition a little while ago.
These are snippets of my favourite artwork.
i love it.

i love birds.
& i love this artwork.
I want to be a bird.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Adventure to Byron Bay.

Can we?
Shall we?
One day very soon, let us go away together just you & me,

Can we?
Shall we?
Call in sick one day & travel the sea & hold hands all day.

Can we?
Shall we?
Eat our sandwiches on the train,
Get drunk on fresh air & come home & never tell anyone...

open heart. closed fists.

The worst way to cry is to lie on your back & let the tears fill your ears.
The worst way to smile is to not use your heart & eyes.

The worst way to lie is to lie at all.
The worst way to love is to love & not realise it.


Famous for simultaneously raising hell and acing all my classes.

Is it?

"My heart is more than just a pulse beneath my wrist."


How can i ever apologise
I meant you no such harm,
I never knew i could possess
That fatal kind of charm.

I just wanted to be good to you
but I found I was disarmed,
By a lifetime of disillusionment
and distraction of the stars.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We run

We push

We fall

We roll

We hit

We scrape

We yell

We tease

We hide

We sit

We sulk

We think

We share

We talk

We care

We cry

We play

We read

We stretch

We breathe

We laugh

We sing

We rise

We try,

We become


Wish List.

I've begun the search for a typewriter.

so i can make mistakes and not be able to correct them.
so i can write anonymous love letters.
so i can only type in one font.
so i can hear that golden screech noise.

so i can write with the freedom of olden day inspiration.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

(only some days.)

Some days you make me feel as though there is bird in my chest.